About TDE-Solutions
Specialised in webbased reporting solutions for financial markets
TDE-Solutions delivers state-of-the-art software.



About TDE-Solutions

After years of experience at banks and pension funds, TDE-Solutions was founded in 2000. The experience of generating reports on a daily basis for high-management, traders, risk managers, controllers and regulators lead to simple, easy to use, state-of-the-art, web based products.

Extensive research resulted in incredible performing algorithms to process huge amounts of data. This allows continuous calculation, keeping reports for users all over the world up-to-date whenever new data is arriving.

The design of the products allows fast implementation and fast time to market of new reports, calculations and data sources in different and changing environments. 

"TDE-Solutions combines the knowledge of what is involved in creating large numbers of reports based on lots of huge data sources and the technical knowledge on how to make it work."